Nexx App - NXG-100 - PC Configuration for Nexx home

Nexx App - NXG-100 - PC Configuration for Nexx home

Configuring the device through a WiFi-enabled PC/Laptop/Tablet:

1. Take the device inside the house near a computer and power it up. The led light should be solid green
2. From a browser on a computer, go to this URL:
3. Log in, and go to Devices, then tap "+" on the upper right-hand corner. Select "nexxgarage 100"
4. On your computer, switch the WiFi connection to "NexxGarage-xxxxxx?"
5. Once you are successfully connected to "NexxGarage-xxxxxx", go back to browser app and tap "Yes, light is steady green"
6. Go through the WiFi configuration process