The Nexx Home app allows you to set a timer to open and close your garage door. This enables you to open/close your garage door without forgetting if you are going to have someone reach your place in a specific amount of time and will be needing the garage and vice versa.
Creating a Timer:
1. Once logged in into the app, tap on “Timer” button at the bottom of the app screen
2. Under the Timer page select the action by tapping “Open” or “Close”
3. After setting the action to enter the number of hours and minutes by tapping “Hour | Minute” button
4. Tap the “Start” button to start the timer
Stopping a Timer:
1. Once logged in into the app, tap on “Timer” button at the bottom of the app screen
2. Under the Timer page tap on the “Stop” button in the center of the page to stop the timer