Nexx Garage - NXG-200, NXG-100 - Device not responding when using the Nexx Home app

Nexx Garage - NXG-200, NXG-100 - Device not responding when using the Nexx Home app

If your Nexx Garage device is not responding when you try to control it with the Nexx Home app, follow the steps below to resolve the issue:

1. Check the LED light on the device and make sure it's not blinking.
2. Restart the device by unplugging the power, wait 30 seconds, and plug it back in.
3. Check and observe the device.  Make sure that there is a solid red light (for NXG-100) or solid blue light (for NXG-200). 
4. Try controlling the device using the Nexx Home app.  When tapping open or close, the device LED light will change, and you will hear a clicking sound. If only one of the two happens, or if these steps don't resolve the issue, then please contact us at for further assistance.

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